There's nothing more thrilling and nerve wrecking than the thought of doing a boudoir session. I get it, It can feel uncomfortable being in front of the camera in your most venerable state with someone you barely know. However, you should accept your body, every curve, imperfection, every flaw every little detail about you body should be appreciate it and what better way to showing up for your self by doing a boudoir session and loving your every bit of your body.

Self care
You deserve to feel beautiful and sensual at your truest, rawest form. Feeling vulnerable is a form of liberation and acceptance. Not to mention shopping for some cheeky things and getting all doll up its part of the fun. You can go natural or maybe you want to spice it up a bit.
create an unexpected gift for you and your partner
Perhaps this is something you been wanting to do for your self for a long time, maybe you want or spice things in your love life? or maybe you want to surprise your spouse with a dope wedding gif( by the way their reaction is priceless) sometimes the best gift you can give your self love.
We all are insecure, it's part of being human, however owning your body is the most empowering thing you could ever do. Telling your self, this is me, I accept me and love my self the way I am is boss energy . This creates higher self-steam, strength and gaining the confidence you never thought you could achieve.
Maybe the idea of doing a boudoir session for your self sounds but perhaps doing it with your partner(s) can be more exciting and spice things up in your relationship. this can create a much stronger bond with each other- this can be a fun and hot way to bring your relationship to the next level.
Celebrate a Milestone
When it comes to boudoir, majority of my clients are booking to celebrate a special moment in their life. Milestones are everywhere and so often we celebrate and mark their occasions with photography. Boudoir is no different. Capturing your youth, your new warrior body, an anniversary or even just for the heck of it. Maybe this can become a tradition for yourself.